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Illinois State University SGA Constitution


We, the members of the Student Body of Illinois State University, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the Student Government Association (SGA) of Illinois State University. We further recognize the Student Government Association as the official student governing body and the student voice within the shared governance process.

Article I. Bill of Rights

Section 1. Students’ Rights and Freedoms

The following rights and freedoms are afforded to each member of the Student Body of Illinois State University:

A. The right to receive financial aid from public funds and to participate fully and freely in University and student sponsored activities and services without discrimination based on a student’s race, creed, color, sex, gender, age, national origin, marital status, sexual orientation, or disability.

B. The right in the classroom to full freedom of expression, discussion, and inquiry related to the course, and the right to evaluation during and upon completion of the course.

C. The right to protection against any unauthorized disclosure of a student’s information by the University concerning a student’s views, beliefs, or political associations unless required by law.

D. The right to affiliate with any Registered Student Organization without discrimination or prejudice towards a student’s race, creed, color, sex, gender, age, national origin, marital status, sexual orientation, or disability.

E. The right to affiliate with any Registered Student Organization without adversely affecting a student’s standing in the University.

F. The right to establish Registered Student Organizations.

G. The right to establish and maintain a democratic student government in which each student shall have an equal right to participate.

H. The right to access services provided by the University.

I. The right to due process and appeal with an established University student disciplinary process in all matters which can result in the imposition of sanctions for student misconduct.

J. The right to have equal representation in the development of any mandatory dress code.

K. The right to organize, participate, petition for redress and/or protest any policy, procedure, or practice of any University entity.

Section 2. Registered Student Organizations’ Rights and Freedoms

A. To be recognized by the Student Government Association.

B. To petition the Student Government Association.

C. To endorse specific groups or causes.

D. To establish its own constitution or rules of governance.

E. To elect its own leadership.

F. To give audience to any person or group.

G. To participate freely in both on and off campus activities.

H. To receive preferential use of available University facilities in accordance with established reservation procedures.

I. To advertise opinions publicly via the dissemination of literature or vocal expression.

J. To participate in the student fee distribution process.

K. To play an active role in selecting the advisor for their registered student organization.

Article II. Illinois State University Student Government Association

Section 1. Organization

The official governing structure for the Student Body of Illinois State University shall be named the Student Government Association (SGA), with power vested in and distributed between an Executive branch and a Legislative branch.

Section 2. Affiliation

All undergraduate and graduate students at Illinois State University are members of the Student Body, and, as such, are eligible to vote in Student Government Association elections and participate in its activities.

Section 3. Purpose

The purpose of this student government shall be to actively represent the Student Body in the shared governance process; to represent the needs and interests of the Student Body through Assembly legislation and positions of advocacy; to promote student rights; to proactively effect change in the best interest of the Student Body; to address issues affecting members of the Student Body; to provide services to meet student needs; to build a vital and thriving University Community; to play an active role in University policy decision making; to further multicultural, social, and physical growth of the Student Body; and to recognize outstanding achievement by students and groups.

Section 4. Authority

The SGA members shall be recognized as the official representatives of students to the university faculty and administration, in addition to the administration of the community, state, and nation.

Article III. Administration

Section 1. Membership, Qualifications, and Compensation

A. The Executive Branch of the SGA shall be named the Administration. The Administration will be composed of the Executive Officers and Executive Cabinet.

i. The Executive Officers are the Student Body President, the Student Body Vice President, and the Student Body Chief of Staff.

ii. The Administration shall have no more than sixty (60) hours of work dedicated for the purpose of Executive Cabinet member assistance, each of which shall have a designated charge. The number of positions, titles, and a general outline of the respective authority, powers, and responsibilities afforded to each Executive Cabinet member shall be set forth in the Bylaws.

B. All Administration officials shall be members of the Student Body and shall be in good academic and disciplinary standing at the time of election or appointment and must remain in such status while serving in office, as enumerated in the Bylaws.

i. The Student Body President, the Student Body Vice President, and the Student Body Chief of Staff must be students who have attended Illinois State University for at least two full semesters at the time of election or appointment, not including a summer semester, with the exception of the following:

a. A second semester transfer student with an associate’s degree or at least forty-eight (48) cumulative academic credits from an accredited academic institution.

b. A second semester graduate student with a bachelor’s degree from an accredited four-year academic institution.

ii. The Executive Cabinet members must be students who have attended Illinois State University for at least one full semester at the time of appointment.

iii. No Executive Officer or Executive Cabinet member may hold his/her Student Government Association position concurrently with another office or position in the Administration or an ex-officio representative seat, with the exception of concurrent positions during the transition period.

C. The Executive officers and Executive Cabinet members shall receive financial compensation, which shall be enumerated in the Bylaws.

Section 2. Authority, Powers, and Responsibilities of the Executive Officers

A. The Student Body President shall have the following authority, powers, and responsibilities:

i. To abide by, enforce, and support the Student Government Association Constitution, Bylaws, and other governing documents.

ii. To be the liaison between Student Government Association and the Illinois State University Administration.

iii. To exercise overriding Executive authority within his/her Administration, as well as delegate assignments to other Executive Branch members, as necessary.

iv. To supervise the operations of the Student Government Association Executive Branch.

v. To serve as the primary student official and spokesperson for the Student Body.

vi. To faithfully execute the policies and legislation of the Student Government Association and the Academic Senate.

vii. To serve as an ex-officio member of all internal committees.

viii. To regularly meet with and accept reports from all University officials.

ix. To nominate, and with the advice and consent of the Assembly, appoint students to vacant Executive and Legislative offices and positions, as provided for in this Constitution and the Bylaws.

x. To veto legislation deemed not in the best interest of the Student Body.

xi. To perform other duties as assigned by the Assembly or other Student Government Association governing documents.

B. The Student Body Vice President shall have the following authority, powers, and responsibilities:

i. To abide by, enforce, and support the Student Government Association Constitution, Bylaws, and other governing documents.

ii. To serve as Acting Student Body President in the absence of the Student Body President.

iii. To generally assist the Student Body President with the management and supervision of the Administration.

iv. To advise the Student Body President on all personnel appointments.

v. To advise the Student Body President on matters pertinent to the Student Body.

vi. To oversee and coordinate the Emerging Leaders Program and the work of its participants.

vii. To conduct an application and interview process for representatives to serve on additional committees, task forces, or groups in which student representation is requested of the SGA.

viii. To serve as a voting member on the Normal Human Relations Committee.

viii. To perform other duties as assigned by the Student Body President, the Assembly, or other Student Government Association governing documents.

C. The Student Body Chief of Staff shall have the following authority, powers, and responsibilities:

i. To abide by, enforce, and support the Student Government Association Constitution, Bylaws, and other governing documents.

ii. To serve as the primary fiscal officer for the Student Government Association, maintaining accurate financial records of all disbursements and receipts while upholding the fiscal integrity of the Student Government Association.

iii. To advise the Student Body President on matters pertinent to the Student Body.

iv. To authorize expenditures consistent with the appropriated budget.

v. To coordinate and supervise the Executive Cabinet Members.

vi. To ensure accurate payroll records are kept and to facilitate their data entry.

vii. To perform other duties as assigned by the Student Body President, the Assembly, or other Student Government Association governing documents.

Article IV. Legislative Branch

Section 1. Membership and Qualifications

A. The Legislative branch of the Student Government Association shall be called the Assembly. The Assembly will be composed of the elected and appointed student senators.

B. The Assembly will consist of twenty (20) student senators, each with equal voice and voting privileges, as follows:

i. On Campus Senators serve to represent the interests of on campus students and must maintain on campus residency in the residence hall area they represent from the fall of their terms through the inauguration of the next elected officers the following spring.

ii. Off-Campus Senators serve to represent the interests of off-campus students and must maintain off-campus residency from the fall of their terms through the inauguration of the next elected officers the following spring.

iii. Student Life Senators serve to represent the interests of students in issues of campus involvement and quality of student life

iv. Academic Senators serve to represent the interests of students in their academic colleges and departments. The assigning of constituencies for Academic Senators shall be enumerated in the Bylaws.

C. No Senator may hold his/her seat on the Assembly concurrently with an office or position in the Administration or ex-officio representative seat.

D. The membership of the Assembly shall receive financial compensation, which shall be enumerated in the Bylaws.

E. All Senators shall be members of the Student Body and shall be in good academic and disciplinary standing at the time of election or appointment and must remain in such status while serving in office, as enumerated in the Bylaws.

Section 2. Authority, Powers, and Responsibilities of the Legislative Branch

A. The Assembly as a whole shall have the following authority, powers, and responsibilities:

i. To abide by and support the Student Government Association Constitution, Bylaws, and other governing documents.

ii. To support the University community and its mission.

iii. To represent their respective constituencies, and where applicable the Student Body, to the University and local community.

iv. To initiate student referenda in accordance with University guidelines.

v. To approve and monitor the Student Government Association budget.

vi. To confirm presidential appointments by a two-thirds (2/3) majority of the sitting assembly.

vii. To enact legislation, policies, and services on behalf of and in the best interest of the Student Body.

viii. To accept reports from the Administration, internal committees, and members of the University community.

ix. To approve all budget expenditures over $500 before expenditures may be processed.

x. To override a presidential veto by two-thirds (2/3) majority vote for Resolutions and three-fourths (3/4) majority vote for Bills.

xi. To elect as Assembly Officers the President of the Assembly, the Vice President of the Assembly, and the Secretary of the Assembly as enumerated in the Legislative Bylaws.


B. Administrative leadership for the Assembly shall be vested in the Assembly Officers, while legislative authority is vested in the collective voting of the Assembly Senators. The Assembly Officers shall be the President of the Assembly, the Vice President of the Assembly, and the Secretary of the Assembly.

Section 3. Authority, Powers, and Responsibilities of the Assembly Officers

A. The President of the Assembly shall have the following authority, power, and responsibilities:

i. To preside over all Assembly meetings.

ii. To set agendas for all Assembly meetings.

iii. To direct the maintenance of order and decorum in all Assembly meetings.

iv. To serve as the executive spokesperson for the Assembly.

v. To delegate assignments to the Vice President of the Assembly, the Secretary of the Assembly, and other Senators.

vi. To appoint Senators to standing SGA committees.

vii. To perform other duties as assigned by the Assembly, the Bylaws, or other Student Government Association governing documents.

B. The Vice President of the Assembly shall have the following authority, power, and responsibilities:

i. To monitor and enforce constituent contact policies as enumerated in the Bylaws.

ii. To advise the President of the Assembly on matters pertaining to Assembly legislation and activities.

iii. To serve as Acting President of the Assembly in the absence of the President of the Assembly.

iv. To generally assist the President of the Assembly with the oversight of the Assembly.

v. To perform other duties as assigned by the Assembly, the Bylaws, or other Student Government Association governing documents.

C. The Secretary of the Assembly shall have the following authority, powers, and responsibilities:

i. To maintain and enforce attendance policies for all required Student Government Association business and activities.

ii. To advise the President of the Assembly on matters pertaining to Assembly legislation and activities.

iii. To generally assist the President of the Assembly with the oversight of the Assembly.

iv. To maintain a record of attendance, agendas, and minutes for all Assembly, Assembly Executive Board, Internal Committee, Academic Senate and Executive Committee meetings.

v. To maintain a record of legislation considered by the Assembly; including the voting record.

vi. To perform other duties as assigned by the Assembly, the Bylaws, or other Student Government Association governing documents.

Section 4. Authority, Powers, and Responsibilities of the Assembly Senators

A. The Assembly Senators shall have the following authority, powers, and responsibilities:

i. To abide by and support the Student Government Association Constitution, the Bylaws, and other Student Government Association governing documents.

ii. To represent their respective constituencies.

iii. To cast binding votes on matters before the Assembly with a majority of constituent support, in compliance with the Bylaws.

iv. To perform other duties as assigned by the Assembly Officers, the Assembly, the Bylaws, or other Student Government Association governing documents

Section 5. Authority, Powers and Responsibilities of Internal Committee Chairs

A. The committee chairs shall have the following authority, powers, and responsibilities:

i. To serve as chairperson and primary spokesperson for his/her respective committee.

ii. To delegate projects and assignments to the committee members.

iii. To report periodically to the SGA Assembly and Assembly Executive Board on the status of the committee’s projects and progress.

iv. To write an Agenda to be shared with the members of the committee no less than 48 hours before the committee is set to meet.

v. To maintain accurate records of attendance, minutes and agendas for all committee meetings.

vi. To submit accurate records of attendance and minutes of the committee to the Secretary of the Assembly periodically.

vii. To submit all records of attendance, minutes and agendas of the committee to the Secretary of Information and Technology to made public on the SGA website.

vii. To perform other duties as assigned by the President of the Assembly, the Assembly or the Bylaws

Article V. Internal Committees, External Committees, and Commissions

Section 1. Internal Committees

A. Membership on internal committees is afforded to Student Government Association Executive Officers, Executive Cabinet Members, and Assembly Senators. The Assembly may provide for additional memberships.

B. The committees, their memberships, and the respective authorities, powers, and responsibilities of the internal committees shall be enumerated in the Bylaws.

C. All internal committee members shall have equal voice and voting privileges in internal committee proceedings.

D. All meetings of the Executive Committee shall be conducted in Executive Session, with guests permitted only with consent of the majority of the committee’s membership.

Section 2. External Committees

Student membership on external committees is afforded to any interested member of the Student Body, who is in good academic and disciplinary standing, through an application and interview process. The external committees to which the Student Government Association makes student appointments and their respective authorities, powers, and responsibilities shall be enumerated in the Executive Branch Bylaws.

Section 3. Ad-Hoc Committees

A. Ad-hoc committees may be created for the purposes of conducting preliminary deliberation on legislative matter or for making specific recommendations to the Assembly when the focus of the committee is not consistent with the authorities, powers, or responsibilities of an internal committee.

B. Ad-hoc committee chairpersons shall be afforded the same authorities, powers, and responsibilities of an internal committee chairperson.

C. Ad-hoc committees shall receive their charges and/or directions from the President of the Assembly.

Section 4. Commissions

A. The Student Body President shall establish student commissions. The memberships of the commissions shall be described in the Bylaws.

B. Commissions shall be established to involve members of the Student Body in gathering information, debating alternative solutions, and recommending to the Student Government Association solutions to specific student issues and concerns.

C. Commissions shall receive their charges and/or direction from the Student Body President.

D. The Student Body President may abolish a commission at any time, or once it has completed its charge. The Assembly may at any time abolish a commission that deviates from its charge by a two-thirds (2/3) vote.

E. Every attempt shall be made to reach consensus on any decision before a commission. If, however, a vote must be taken, all commission members have equal voice and vote, including the commissioner.

F. The Student Body Vice President shall collect regular reports from all commissions.

Article VI. Ex-Officio Membership

Section 1. Membership

A. Any registered student organization, or person designated by the Vice President for Student Affairs as a special representative, may petition the Assembly for ex-officio status if said organization’s/group’s constitution and purpose reflect the desire to represent a specific group or groups of students not adequately represented on Student Government Association.

i. Priority for ex-officio status will be afforded to those organizations or special representatives designated by Federal Affirmative Action Information Classifications with race/ethnic, gender, disabled, disabled veteran, or Vietnam-era veteran classifications.

ii. Consideration will be given to other populations that represent specific student groups but are not reflected in the Affirmative Action guidelines. However, these groups in petitioning must show a clearly defined student need for additional representation.

Section 2. Qualifications

A. Organizations must formally apply and petition the Assembly. The Assembly will consider the application over a period of no longer than three months from the date of application, excluding summer months. The Assembly will render its decision upon the conclusion of its review period.

B. A denied petition will offer rationale for the decision of the Assembly to the rejected student organization.

C. An application approved by the Assembly will result in the conferment of ex-officio status upon the student organization, and said organization will be eligible for financial compensation after one full fiscal year expires from the date of Assembly approval.

Section 3. Authority, Powers, and Responsibilities

A. The student organizations and offices with ex-officio status on Student Government Association at the time of ratification of this Constitution shall automatically acquire ex-officio status under the auspices of the newly ratified Constitution.

B. The ex-officio organizations and offices of the Student Government Association, as well as their respective authorities, powers, and responsibilities, shall be enumerated in the Ex-Officio Bylaws.

Article VII. Student Government Association Advisement Staff

Section 1. Purpose

The purpose of SGA Advisement Staff Members are to serve as nonvoting members of the Association; serve as a role models; facilitate learning; assist in the efficiency and effectiveness of the organization; and provide guidance and resources for decision making, strategic planning, budgeting, program planning and all other facets of the Association’s operation.

Section 2. Membership and Selection of SGA Advisement Staff Members

A. The Student Government Association Advisement Staff Members shall be faculty or staff members of the University, designated by the Vice President for Student Affairs, in collaboration with the SGA Executive Committee.

B. The Student Government Association Advisement Staff Members may include one Advisor and a clerical support staff member.

Section 3. Authority, Powers, and Responsibilities

A. The SGA Advisement Staff Members shall provide comprehensive advice and guidance to all members of the Association, as well as students who have questions on the structure and function of the Association.

B. The SGA Advisement Staff Members shall provide the Association information on University policies, state and federal laws, and general information about University and community affairs.

C. The SGA Advisement Staff Members shall enforce University and SGA policies when necessary.

D. The SGA Advisor shall serve as an administrative liaison for the Association.

E. The SGA Advisor shall attend designated meetings and provide advice and feedback to Executive Officers, Executive Cabinet Members, and Senators when needed or requested to do so, and maintain regular communication with the Executive and Assembly Officers.

F. The SGA Advisement Staff Members shall periodically check enrollment status, academic performance, and disciplinary status of all SGA members to ensure that each member is in adherence with the qualifications of their respective position. Any member not in adherence with the qualifications of their respective position shall be reported to the Secretary of the Assembly within forty-eight (48) hours of the finding.

G. The SGA Advisor shall serve as the Fiscal Agent for all Association accounts.

H. The SGA Advisement Staff Members shall perform other duties as assigned by the Assembly, the Bylaws, or other Student Government Association governing documents.

Article VIII. Illinois State University Emerging Leader Program

Section 1. Organization

The official leadership development program for emerging leaders of the Student Body of Illinois State University organized by the Student Government Association shall be named the Emerging Leader Program (ELP).

Section 2. Affiliation

All undergraduate students at Illinois State University are eligible for participation in the Emerging Leader Program. Priority will be given to first and second year students.

Section 3. Purpose

The Emerging Leader Program at Illinois State University is to provide a curriculum in which the University’s future leaders can advance their leadership abilities and establish a better understanding of the Student Government Association at Illinois State University.

Section 4. Membership

A. The Emerging Leader Program shall consist of no more than twenty-five (25) undergraduate students at Illinois State University.

B. The Student Body Vice President shall serve as the program coordinator.

Section 5. Qualifications

A. All participants shall be members of the Student Body and shall be in good academic and disciplinary standing at the time of acceptance and must remain in such status while serving in the program, as enumerated in the Bylaws.

B. All participants shall meet the requirements as enumerated in the Bylaws.

Article IX. Elections

Section 1. Executive Officers

A. The Student Body President, the Student Body Vice President, and the Student Body Chief of Staff must be elected as a slate by the Student Body at large.

B. The Student Elections Code shall govern the election process and procedures for the Student Government Association Executive officers, unless otherwise provided for in the Student Government Association Constitution and/or the Student Government Association Executive Bylaws.

Section 2. Assembly Senators

A. The On Campus Senators must be elected individually by students residing in University housing at the time of the election.

B. The Off-Campus Senators must be elected individually by students living off-campus at the time of the election.

C. The Student Life Senators must be elected individually by the general student population.

D. The Academic Senators must be elected individually by the general student population.

E. The Graduate Senators must be elected individually by students with graduate student status at the time of the election.

F. The Student Elections Code shall govern the election process and procedures for all Senators, unless otherwise provided for in the Student Government Association Constitution and/or the Student Government Association Legislative Bylaws.

Section 3. Ex-Officios

Each Ex-Officio Organization shall conduct its own election process and inauguration of officers; and where applicable, they should be conducted within the guidelines established by the Student Elections Code.

Article X. Operations and Procedures

Section 1. Attendance and Participation Requirements for Association Members

A. Legislative Branch Members

i. Each Assembly Senator shall be required to fully participate in and/or assist with all activities, functions, operations, and official meetings sponsored or cosponsored by the Student Government Association, at the request of the Student Body President, Executive Committee, and/or a vote of the Assembly.

ii. The specific attendance and participation requirements for Assembly Senators are fully enumerated in the Bylaws and Student Government Association Operations Manual.

B. Executive Branch Members

i. Each Executive Branch Member shall be required to fully participate in and/or assist with all activities, functions, operations, and official meetings sponsored or cosponsored by the Student Government Association, at the request of the Student Body President, Executive Committee, and/or a vote of the Assembly.

ii. The specific attendance and participation requirements for Executive Branch Members are fully enumerated in the Bylaws and Student Government Association Operations Manual.

C. Ex-Officio Branch Members

i. Each Ex-Officio Representative shall be required to fully participate in and/or assist with all activities, functions, operations, and official meetings sponsored or cosponsored by the Student Government Association, at the request of the Student Body President, Executive Committee, and/or a vote of the Assembly.

ii. The specific attendance and participation requirements for Ex-Officio Representatives are fully enumerated in the Bylaws and Student Government Association Operations Manual.

D. Advisement Staff Members

i. Each Advisement Staff Member shall be expected to attend and/or support all activities, functions, operations, and official meetings sponsored or cosponsored by the Student Government Association, at the request of the Student Body President, Executive Committee, and/or a vote of the Assembly.

ii. The specific attendance and participation requirements for Advisement Staff Members are fully enumerated in the Bylaws and Student Government Association Operations Manual.

Section 2. Rules of Order

A. The Assembly shall conduct business utilizing the rules set forth in the most recent edition of Robert’s Rules of Order. However, in cases where Robert’s Rules of Order conflict with the governing documents of the Association, the governing documents shall prevail.

B. The President of the Assembly shall appoint a Senator to serve as Parliamentarian of the Assembly. The Parliamentarian is responsible for advising the President of the Assembly and for training all Association members on parliamentary procedure. The Parliamentarian may not also hold a position as an Assembly Officer during the period of service as Parliamentarian.

Section 3. Legislation

A. Any member of the Student Body may write legislation; however, to be presented to the Assembly the legislation must be sponsored and presented by a Senator.

B. For any legislation/amendment that needs student body review, legislative review and/or research, a minimum of one calendar week must elapse between the first reading and the vote on the considered legislation/amendment

Section 4. Assembly Meetings

A. Assembly meetings are to be held biweekly, beginning the first Wednesday of the fall and spring semesters. However, the Wednesday after a break shall be an SGA meeting; and the calendar should be reset.

B. All regular meetings of the Assembly and internal committees shall be open to the public and press, with the exception of executive session and Executive Committee.

C. The agenda for each regularly scheduled meeting of the Assembly shall be posted at the Student Government Association office and website at least twenty-four (24) hours prior to that meeting.

D. As enumerated in the Legislative Bylaws, emergency meetings may be called by a petition from the Assembly or the Student Body President. SGA Members must be given forty-eight (48) hours notification of the session called by petition.

Section 5. Veto

A. The Student Body President may veto any legislation enacted by the Assembly by means of a formal letter, stating his/her objections, delivered to the President of the Assembly.

B. This action must take place within five (5) business days of receiving the legislation from the Secretary of the Assembly.

C. If the Student Body President takes no action within five (5) business days of receipt, the legislation stands as approved by the Assembly.

D. The Assembly may override a presidential veto with a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote if the original legislation required a simple majority (ex: resolutions) and three-fourths (3/4) vote if the original legislation required two-thirds to pass (ex; bills, amendments)

Article XI. Removal and Revocation

Section 1. Recall

A. Any Student Government Association Executive Officer, Assembly Senator, or Ex-Officio Representative may be recalled from office by his/her constituents. The procedure for removal through recall is as follows:

i. A petition for recall signed by five (5) percent of an elected Student Government Association member’s constituency must be submitted to the Student Body President or the President of the Assembly.

ii. Upon submission of the recall petition, the Student Body President or President of the Assembly shall convene a special hearing for all members of the charged member’s constituency. At this hearing, the charged Student Government Association member shall present his/her case to his/her constituents. This hearing must take place before the next regularly scheduled Assembly meeting.

iii. After the special hearing has occurred, as recall referendum shall be initiated by the Student Body President or President of the Assembly.

iv. A Student Government Association member shall be recalled from office if a majority of the charged individual’s constituents vote in favor of recall.

v. No individual who has served less than one month shall be eligible for recall.

vi. No individual may be considered for recall on the same charge in a single term.

B. If an Executive Officer or elected Assembly Senator is recalled from office, his/her respective office or legislative seat shall be immediately considered vacant. The highest ranking Student Government Association official is charged with finding a replacement by the second regularly scheduled Assembly meeting after the decision is rendered.

C. If an Ex-Officio Representative is recalled from office, then his/her respective organization or office shall select a qualified student to fill the open representative seat before the next regularly scheduled Assembly meeting after the decision is rendered.

Section 2. Impeachment

A. Any Executive Officer, Assembly Senator, or Ex-Officio Representative may be removed from office by impeachment. The procedure for removal through impeachment is as follows:

i. A motion to impeach an individual for negligence or irresponsibility must be adopted by a simple majority (50%+1) of the total membership of the sitting Assembly.

ii. If a motion to impeach is adopted, then the Student Body President or President of the Assembly shall convene a special hearing for all Student Government Association members. At this hearing, the case against the impeached Student Government Association member shall be presented. The impeached individual shall have the opportunity to present a defense against the charges.

iii. At the Assembly meeting subsequent to the hearing, the accusing party must move to convict the impeached member. The impeached member shall have the opportunity to address the Assembly before the vote is taken. It takes a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the total voting membership of the Assembly to convict the impeached member.

iv. No individual may be impeached more than once on the same charge in a single term.

v. No Assembly Senator may vote on a motion to impeach or a motion to convict where he/she is named.

vi. No motion to impeach shall be in order if the motion names more than one Student Government Association member.

B. If an Executive Officer or Assembly Senator is impeached and convicted, his/her respective office or legislative seat shall be immediately considered vacant.

C. If an Ex-Officio Representative is impeached and convicted, then the Ex-Officio status of that organization or office shall be suspended until the organization or office designates a new Ex-Officio Representative. Immediately following an impeachment, minutes and a written letter will be sent to the ex-officio organization requesting a new delegate.

Section 3. Dismissal of Executive Cabinet Members

A. Any Executive Cabinet Member may be removed from office by dismissal. The procedure for removal through dismissal is as follows:

i. A complaint concerning a Staff Member may be filed with the Executive Committee by any Senator or member of the Executive Branch.

ii. Upon receipt of that complaint, the Executive Committee has one week to convene the performance review committee to consider the matter.

iii. The performance review committee will be made up of the Student Body President, the Student Body Vice President, and the Student Body Chief of Staff, and will be chaired by the Student Body President.

B. If an Executive Cabinet Member is dismissed, his/her position shall be immediately considered vacant.

Section 4. Revocation of Ex-Officio Status

A. The Assembly may revoke the ex-officio status of an Ex-Officio Organization or Office for failure to satisfy attendance requirements, negligence in representing a respective constituency, deficiency is support of the activities and operations of the Student Government Association, or default on other responsibilities determined by the Assembly. The procedure for revocation of ex-officio status is as follows:

i. A motion to consider the revocation of the ex-officio status of an Ex-Officio Organization or Office for good cause must be adopted by a simple majority (50%+1) of the total voting membership of the Assembly.

ii. If a motion to consider the revocation is adopted, then the Student Body President and President of the Assembly shall jointly convene a special hearing for all Student Government Association members. At this hearing, the case for revocation shall be presented. The Ex-Officio Organization or Office in question shall have the opportunity to present a defense against these charges.

iii. At the Assembly meeting subsequent to the hearing, the accusing party must move for the formal revocation of the ex-officio status of the Ex-Officio Organization or Office. The Ex-Officio Organization or Office in question shall have the opportunity to address the Assembly. It takes a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the total voting membership to revoke the ex-officio status of the organization or office in question.

iv. With the exception of attendance requirements, no motion to revoke the ex-officio status of an Ex-Officio Organization or Office shall be considered more than once for the same charge for the same organization or office in a single term of a seated Student Government Association Assembly.

B. If the ex-officio status of an Ex-Officio Organization or Office is revoked by the Assembly, then the organization or office shall immediately forfeit all of the rights and privileges of their ex-officio status. The organization may not repetition for ex-officio status until the next Student Government Association Assembly is sworn into office and seated.

Article XII. Succession and Vacancies

Section 1. Executive Succession

A. In the event that the Student Body President is unable to fulfill his/her duties due to extended illness or absence, the Student Body Vice President shall serve as Acting Student Body President.

B. In the event that the office of the Student Body President is vacated due to resignation, removal, or disqualification from office, the Student Body Vice President shall automatically assume the office of the Student Body President. The office of the Student Body Vice President shall then be considered vacant.

C. In the event that the office of the Student Body Vice President or the office of the Student Body Chief of Staff is vacated, the Student Body President shall fill the vacant position by nomination and appointment as prescribed by this Constitution.

D. In the event that the Student Body Vice President cannot serve as Acting Student Body President or assume the office of the Student Body President, the order of succession then shall respectively be the Student Body Chief of Staff, the President of the Assembly, the Vice President of the Assembly, the Secretary of the Assembly, and then an Assembly member as determined by the Assembly.

Section 2. Legislative Succession

A. In the event that the President of the Assembly is unable to fulfill his/her duties due to extended illness or absence, the Vice President of the Assembly shall serve as Acting President of the Assembly.

B. In the event that the President of the Assembly is vacated due to resignation, removal, or disqualification from office, the Vice President of the Assembly shall serve as Acting President of the Assembly until a new President of the Assembly is elected. The Student Body President shall preside over the election of a new President of the Assembly.

C. In the event that the Vice President of the Assembly is unable to fulfill his/her duties due to extended illness or absence, the President of the Assembly shall appoint a member of the Assembly to serve as Acting Vice President of the Assembly.

D. In the event that the office of the Vice President of the Assembly is vacated due to resignation, removal, or disqualification from office, the President of the Assembly shall conduct an election for a new Vice President of the Assembly.

E. In the event that the Secretary of the Assembly is unable to fulfill his/her duties due to extended illness or absence, the President of the Assembly shall appoint a member of the Assembly to serve as Acting Secretary of the Assembly.

F. In the event that the office of Secretary of the Assembly is vacated due to resignation, removal, or disqualification from office, the President of the Assembly shall conduct an election for a new Secretary of the Assembly.

Section 3. Filling Vacancies

A. To fill any vacant Executive office or Executive Cabinet position, the Student Body President shall nominate and, with the advice and confirmation of the Assembly by a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote, appoint a qualified student to fill the vacancy.

B. To fill any vacant Assembly Senator seat, the Student Body President shall nominate and, with the advice and confirmation of the Assembly by a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote, appoint a qualified student to fill the vacancy.

C. A student shall immediately assume the duties of his/her respective office or position after confirmation by the Assembly and receipt of the oath of office from the Student Body President in the presence of the Assembly.

Article XIII. Constitution, Bylaws, and Amendments

Section 1. Constitution

Upon effective ratification by the Student Government Association Assembly, this Constitution shall supersede all rules set forth in previous Constitutions. However, in cases where this Constitution conflicts with the University Constitution, the University Constitution shall prevail.

Section 2. Bylaws

The Student Government Association Assembly may create Bylaws to enumerate rules and procedures in addition to those set forth in this Constitution. However, in cases where the Bylaws conflict with this Constitution, this Constitution shall prevail.

Section 3. Operations Manual

The Student Government Association Executive Committee may create an Operations Manual to enumerate day to day rules, practical procedures, and protocols in addition to those set forth in this Constitution and the Bylaws. However, in cases where the Operations Manual is in conflict with this Constitution or the Bylaws then those documents shall prevail.

Section 4. Amendments

A. This Constitution may also be amended by a three-fourths (3/4) majority vote of the present and voting membership of the Assembly.

i. Any Student Government Association member may introduce proposed amendment(s) to the Constitution at any regular Assembly meeting. At said meeting, the proposed amendment(s) shall undergo a first reading.

ii. The proposed amendment(s) shall be sent out for constituent feedback, having at least two weeks from the date sent for constituents to respond.

iii. At the next regular Assembly meeting, once sufficient constituent feedback has been gathered, the proposed amendment(s) shall undergo a second reading. After the second reading, the amendment(s) are submitted to the Assembly for approval.

iv. If the Assembly approves the amendment(s), the Assembly shall have at least two weeks from the approval date to acquire the signatures of consent from 10% of the student body in order for the change(s) to take effect.

v. Senators are reminded that they are to vote in the manner consistent with the feedback gathered from constituents; and where insufficient feedback has been gathered, they are to vote in their constituents’ best interest.

B. This Constitution may be amended by a majority of the voting student body.

i. Any member of the student body may introduce proposed amendment(s) to his/her Senator to be presented to the Assembly at the next regular Assembly meeting.

ii. If the Assembly does not approve the amendment, the student may petition to have the amendment come as a referendum to the student body. The student must garner a petition of 15% of the student body.

C. The Bylaws may be amended by a two-thirds (2/3) majority of the total membership of the Assembly.

i. Any Student Government Association member may introduce proposed amendment(s) to the Bylaws at any regular Assembly meeting. At said meeting, the proposed amendment(s) shall undergo a single reading.

ii. After the reading, the Assembly may consider the amendment(s) immediately.

D. Amendments of substance are subject to the approval of the President of the University.

E. This document shall undergo a complete review by the Student Government Association every two (2) years.


  • Ratified: 2.06.01
  • Amended: 9.27.05
  • Re-Ratified: 3.02.06
  • Amended: 1.21.08
  • Re-Ratified: 4.09.08
  • Amended: 3.31.10
  • Re-Ratified: 08.25.10
  • Amended: 2.13.16
  • Re-Ratified 4.11.16
  • Re-Ratified 11.02.22