Date |
Resolution Title |
Pass? |
Vote |
10/8/21 |
[21-22] .01 |
A Bill to Amend the Ex-Officio Bylaws |
Yes |
17Y 0A 0N |
10/8/21 |
[21-22] .02 |
Bill to Amend the Executive Bylaws |
Yes |
17Y 0A 0N |
[21-22] .04 |
Resolution Authorizing Student Body President Villalobos to Enter Discussions with the Town of Normal |
Yes |
17Y 0A 0N |
[21-22] .05 |
Resolution to Bestow the Status of "Distinguished Illinois State University Student Government Association Alumni" Upon the Honorable Jason Barickman, Illinois State Senator and Hannah Beer, McLean County Board Member |
Yes |
17Y 0A 0N |
[21-22] .10 |
Amendment to the Executive Bylaws: Establishing the External Committee of Public Relations |
Yes |
17Y 0A 0N |
[21-22] .11 |
Veterans Memorial Clean-Up Day |
Yes |
17Y 0A 0N |
[21-22] .12 |
Resolution to Support Student Voices Regarding Fire Safety in Apartment Complexes |
Yes |
17Y 0A 0N |
15/9/21 |
[21-22] .13 |
A Resolution to Support TRIBE's Place in the Multicultural Center |
Yes |
17Y 0A 0N |
[21-22] .15 |
Resolution Establishing and Financing Civic Engagement Letter Writing Drive |
Yes |
17Y 0A 0N |
6/1/22 |
[21-22] .16 |
Resolution Urging Illinois State University Action to Address the Climate Crisis and Enhance Economic Prosperity |
Yes |
23Y 0A 1N |
[21-22] .17 |
Resolution Authorizing Funding for SGA Spring Debate |
Yes |
23Y 0A 0N |
[21-22] .18 |
Resolution Requesting Funding for "Cocoa and Coffee on the Quad" |
Yes |
23Y 0A 0N |
[21-22] .19 |
Resolution Requesting Funding for "Coffee with Cops" |
Yes |
23Y 0A 0N |
[21-22] .20 |
Resolution Supporting Renaming the Multicultural Center to the Center for Antiracisim, Identity, and Belonging |
Yes |
21Y 0A 2N |
[21-22] .21 |
Resolution to Support Student Tenant Rights |
Yes |
23Y 0A 0N |
[21-22] .23 |
Resolution Requesting Funding for Winter Care Packages |
Yes |
23Y 0A 0N |
[21-22] .24 |
Bill Authorizing the Establishment of the Share Shop |
Yes |
23Y 0A 0N |
[21-22] .25 |
Resolution for Illinois State University Campus Recreation Team Building Event Funding & Participation Requirement for the Student Government Association |
Yes |
23Y 0A 0N |
[21-22] .26 |
Resolution to Allocate Funding for the Center for Civic Engagement's Election Efforts |
Yes |
23Y 0A 0N |
[21-22] .03 |
Bill to Recite the Pledge of Allegiance at the Opening of General Assembly Meetings |
No |
[21-22] .22 |
Amendment to the Legislative Bylaws to Reallocate Senators |
No |