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The 2024–2025 Student Government Association meeting schedule is as follows. Please note that each meeting is generally preceded by a caucus that is also open to the public. Caucuses usually begin at 7 p.m., but this may change subject to the decision of the President of the Assembly.

Academic Senate Executive Committee meetings are held at 4 p.m. in 419 Hovey Hall; only SGA Assembly Officers and the Student Body President are required to attend.

Academic Senate meetings are held at 7 p.m. in the Old Main Room at the Bone Student Center, preceded by committee meetings at 6 p.m; all Senators and the Student Body President are required to attend. The Academic Senate dates    are set for the 2023–2024 year.

SGA Executive Committee meetings are held Mondays at 5:30 p.m. in 376 Student Services Building; only Assembly Officers and Executive Officers are required to attend.

SGA Assembly meetings are held by bi-weekly in the Old Main Room at the Bone Student Center. Each assembly is preceded by internal committee meetings at 6 p.m. and SGA General Assembly at 7 p.m; all Association members are required to attend. All SGA Assembly meetings are followed by a brief SGA Executive Committee meeting. All Assembly dates are set for the 2024–2025 year.