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Bills 2009-2010

Date Bill Number Title Passage Voting Results
3/17/10 N/A Legislative Compensation No Download
3/31/10 - Ex-Officio By-Laws Amendment Yes *
3/31/10 09-10.25 Calculator Lending Program Yes *
3/31/10 09-10.24 Secretary of Sustainability Yes *
3/31/10 09-10.23 Legislative Branch By-Laws Amendment Yes *
3/17/10 09-10.22 External Diversity Committee Yes *
3/31/10 09-10.21 SGA Scholarship Yes *
3/31/10 09-10.20 Executive Branch By-Laws Amendment Yes *
3/31/10 09-10.19 Legislative Branch By-Laws Amendment Yes *
3/31/10 09-10.18 Constitutional Review Yes *
3/17/10 09-10.17 Student Sustainability Committee Yes *
3/17/10 09-10.16 iCampus Beta RSS Feed Yes Download
3/17/10 09-10.15 Secretary of Governmental Relations Yes *
3/17/10 09-10.14 Secretary of Programs Yes *
3/17/10 09-10.13 Campus Questions Guide Yes *
3/17/10 09-10.12 Student Elections Committee Recommendations Yes *
2/24/10 09-10.11 Legislative Branch By-Laws Amendment Yes *
2/10/10 09-10.10 Website Transparency Yes *
1/27/10 09-10.9 SGA Alumni Newsletter Yes *
12/2/09 09-10.8 Student Fees Amendment Yes *
10/14/09 09-10.07 External Sustainability Committee Yes *
9/30/09 09-10.06 Ex-Officio By-Laws Amendment Yes *
9/30/09 09-10.05 Secretary of Public Relations Powerst Yes *
9/30/09 09-10.04 Secretary of Governmental Relations Powers Yes *
9/30/09 09-10.03 Executive Cabinet Members Powers Yes *
9/30/09 09-10.02 Executive Branch By-Laws Amendment Yes *
9/16/09 09-10.01 Canvassing the Campus Bill Yes *
4/15/09 08-09.06 Secretary of Sustainability Yes *
4/1/09 08-09.04 ELP Member of the Year Yes *
1/28/09 08-09.03 Student Elections Code Yes *