Bills 2011-2012
Date | Bill Number | Title | Passage | Voting Result |
7/22/11 | 11-12.1 | Bill to Establish Oversight of SGA External Committees: Executive Branch By-Laws (Article 3, Section: 2-C) | Yes | * |
10/5/11 | 11-12.2 | Bill To Repeal Defunct “I Saw You in the News!” Program | Yes | * |
10/5/11 | 11-12.3 | Bill Amending Student Government Association Participation in the “Office on the Quad” Program | Yes | * |
10/5/11 | 11-12.4 | Bill Establishing the STATE Your Art Competition | Yes | * |
10/19/11 | 11-12.5 | Establishing the Student Government Association’s Off-Campus Student Association | Yes | * |
2/15/12 | 11-12.6 | Bill Authorizing an Annual Alumni Reception | Yes | Download |
2/15/12 | 11-12.7 | Bill Authorizing the Continuation of the "Meet Me at the Club" Finals Week Dance Party | Yes | Download |
2/29/12 | 11-12.8 | Bill Accepting the Constitutional Review Commission’s Proposed Amendments to the SGA Constitution | Yes | Download |
*The bill was passed unanimously